Beauty 2 The Streetz

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The info below comes directly from the BEAUTY 2 THE STREETZ website:



Originally Shirley Raines started serving with another local organization but quickly found her own calling. Women started complimenting her on colored hair, beautifully done makeup, and lashes, realizing at their core these women are still women and were interested in looking nice, she started bringing out makeup, lashes, and hair dye thus Beauty 2 The Streetz was born. The people of Skid Row quickly came to know Shirley, her cheerful conversation filled with affection and hope sheʼs gained the trust of a handful of women and men, which has only grown overtime. She is no stranger to helping people but didnʼt realize her passion would bring her down a path of healing from her own struggles in life.

She makes it a point to service the back areas where people donʼt have access to the amenities (though small) skid row has to offer. Through her service sheʼs met many beautiful people, gay, straight, transgendered and of all ethnicities, no one is ever turned away.

Beauty 2 The Streetz started off fully funded by her own pocket, sheʼll be the first to tell you she isnʼt rich but what she has we all have. Between herself, her team, friends, family, and the kindness of strangers sheʼs able to not only feed 400 plus people but also offer showers, hair wash and color, make-up, wigs, and most importantly connection.

By documenting the real people she serves, the conditions they live in, and making that human connection, sheʼs brought a new sense of awareness to the epidemic of homelessness. As with any action, there is a reaction both positive and negative, people are quick to judge but Shirley doesnʼt see this as a challenge, instead, as a chance to evolve and improve. The people of skid row are just like everyone one else, they are people who have fallen on hard times who didnʼt have that lifeline to pull them out. Shirley is a beacon of hope in LAʼs ever-increasing homeless population. Every Saturday, rain or shine, she and her team come out to share a hot home-cooked meal, conversation, and most importantly connection.

Beauty 2 The Streetz Shirley Hair Care


Recognizing that the lack of a home does not mean a lack of humanity, Beauty 2 The Streetz aims to serve the homeless by providing necessities alongside the things that make us feel inherently human: a hot shower, a hearty meal, the hope-inducing feeling of looking in the mirror and loving what you see. We are building friendships based on equality and compassion and it is this, more than simply the hair and makeup, that brings beauty to the streets.


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To learn more about this non-profit, and their work, visit them at: